Tuesday, 21 February 2012

a quick update

I was at the GP's last week and found out a few more details around my blood work and we have a bit of a plan, first a few of my markers were a bit high and I mean just a bit out of the normal range, also my platelets are down a bit again.  There is also some indication that my spleen is a bit larger and I have an ultra-sound this week to take a look at that.

The next week looks like this; blood work tomorrow, ultra-sound Thursday and in to see the oncologist next Wednesday with GP calling me when he receives the details from my ultra-sound. 

The Hatley 8KM went very well for me this past Sunday as I finished only 30 seconds off last years time and placed 5th in my age group while averaging 4:21/KM over the hilly 8KM, next race is the Cobble Hill 12K followed by the Bazan 5K.

Until next week take care...

Monday, 6 February 2012

Cedar 12KM done and dusted

Well I mentioned on Saturday that Lori and I were heading up island to Cedar to run their 12K as part of the Island race series.  Here is how it went, we picked up our friend Kathy and headed out for the hour and a bit drive to the race.  I was not feeling 100% but also not feeling too badly either, I have a bit of discomfort just below my bottom left rib.  Lori too has had her running challenges lately, she has a slight pulled hip flexor and took a bit of a tumble on a training run bruising and scraping her left knee. 
We both ran within ourselves and finished within a minute or so of what we had targeted, I finished in 52 minutes and Lori in 1:08 while Simon Whitfield won the event in 37 minutes; so I guess we will need to run a bit better if we are going to challenge him next year, but hey we can officially say that we have now done multiple races with Simon.

We have had a few calls asking about the follow up from last Thursday and we thank you for the support.  So what is next?

Simply we do our thing until the next appointment and go from there.  GP appointment is on the 16th, this is a regular appointment to stay in touch with him and keep an eye on how I am doing general health wise.  Blood work on the 22nd followed by an appointment with my regular oncologist on the 29th.

I will keep the blog current  not only on appointments but also on any changes on how I am feeling.

'til I write again

Saturday, 4 February 2012

2nd quarterly follow-up with Oncologist

Thursday February 2nd was the day of my second follow-up appointment at the BCCA but first I had to pick a few friends up from the airport.  They were fresh from Hawaii and looking tanned and cold as they arrived in Victoria.  While waiting for them to clear customs the agency called to let me know that my oncologist was sick with the flu and I would be seen by another doctor at the same time.

I arrived at the agency and checked in and in no time the doctor was in to see me, told me that the results of my blood work were good and then asked if I felt any new symptoms, I mentioned that the nodes around my collar bone and next had flared up in late November and although they are quite small (jelly bean sized) they were a bit troublesome, as well as I have been feeling a bit fatigued for the last couple of weeks but that it could be due to the season or the snow shovelling.  She asked several times if I had had a cold or fever lately, I haven't and she continued with the physical exam noting my spleen and a few other sights of interest.  I commented that my spleen has been enlarged since I was diagnosed and that it had never gone down in size she flipped through my chart and agreed.

We discussed the exam and she told me she would review this with my regular oncologist but that the fact that the appearance of inflamed nodes above my diaphragm in combination with the fatigue meant that it may be time to discuss treatment.

I was dumbfounded! 

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur as I processed the mention of treatment, let me mention that I did discuss the treatment options with the doctor today and really there is only one for me and that would be chemo, although there are a few options within chemo it is still chemo (+?).

I have now had a few days and some conversation with Lori and friends, I will discuss it with my GP in a couple of weeks and then again with the oncologist after that.  I'll keep you all current on the discussions and how I am feeling, for now I am focusing on the Cedar 12KM run tomorrow and the Super Bowl.  Then Monday followed by Tuesday etc...