Monday, 16 April 2012

Boston done and I still have my chip

Well it was a hot day out there and I don't have the energy for a full report but wanted to let you know I have finished and still alive!!!  I have a new medal to hang on the wall and a couple of small blisters, no trip to the medical tent and no issues other than having to slow down a bunch to get past the heat.
More details later but wanted to say thank you all for the best wishes for today.
more later I promise...

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Boston Marathon weather update

well the forecast has come down a couple of degrees from yesterday... will see what it is like tomorow.
Wish me luck

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Boston Marathon heat advisory

We have spent the last couple of days in Boston after our very pleasant flight.  Picked up my race package yesterday and met with the Doug's, Shelley and Cathy.  Today had lunch with Leonard and his running wife Charlene.  Len told us about the athlete advisory for race day Monday, due to the high heat (31'C) only the fittest runners should attempt the race and even then they should be adjusting their goals.
I will play it by ear but for the time being I still plan on running the event and going out at a good pace early on in the race, but slow down once the heat climbs.  No personal best here this year but I do plan on finishing... I figure if I can get close to the 25 or 30 KM point before noon and the really warm temperatures I should be able to slow down and enjoy those hills just ahead.  We are still a few days out from the race and the weather forecast is likely to change but that is my plan for the time being.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Boston Bound?

Well after a bit of a rough weekend with what was very likely a nasty flu/bug, I was in to see the GP as I was concerned that my symptoms (which are better not discussed in polite company) were related to my lymphoma or my Gallbladder.  I was informed that it was very unlikely to be related and most likely a bug or the nasty little flu going around lately, but either way I was dehydrated and needed some blood work to make sure all was as expected.
I have had a quick look at my test results and although I am not a doctor they all look very good to me so I am going on the premise that Lori and I are leaving for Boston tomorrow and I will be running the marathon next Monday April 16th and unless the GP connects with me tonight we are leaving the house in our friends very capable hands and heading out in the morning.
If you are interested , you can track my progress through the marathon by going to and using the track an athlete area follow bib # 8391 starting at 10AM EST.  I am hoping to do the race in around 3:15 but will happily take whatever the day brings me.  I am not bringing my cell phone with me but will be updating the blog while I am there as well as having access to my email and texting through Lori's phone.
I guess for now that about covers things so cross your fingers and send me your good thoughts for Monday as I am going to need all I can get...


PS thanks in advance to our drivers who are taking us to and from the airport!