Saturday, 24 August 2013

The surgeon called

Well actually it was his office, I have an appointment for consultation in mid-October which means I will get to be Lori's water boy for the half marathon as I will not be running.  I have been finding that after a little while of running the area around my gallbladder gets uncomfortable and aches a bit so I have decided not to do that.  I have been riding my bike a few times a week instead and this has not caused any issues at all.

I continue to feel good with no need to medicate or modify my diet so all is well.

More news as I get it but assume all is well if you don't see anything!


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Another week has gone by,

I am happy to report that I have had an uneventful week!  no pain and only occasional minor discomfort, I saw the GP again this week and other than some high inflammation indicators my blood work came back normal.
I am not running as it is a bit uncomfortable and likely causing inflammation so I will set the trainer up again.

All is well as we wait for a date with the surgeon...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

What a week that was.

What a week, the discomfort and apparent swelling from last Tuesday's episode took a full week to dissipate but I am now at last and finally feeling like myself again.  I have taken the time since completely off of training and have done very little around the house either, my abdomen no longer hurts when I walk or descend stairs and I am sleeping through the night without any anti-inflammatory or pain relief pill.

I have still been grumpy and continue to blame my discomfort for that so please don't let anyone else know I am OK.

Lori has been a trooper through this and I really appreciate the type of person she is!  This was not exactly how she wanted to spend our anniversary but at least I did remember and got her a card and cooked a very special bland flavourless dinner to celebrate; she ate it all and said "thank-you, that was perfect." she is very special indeed.

I went for a follow-up GP appointment and was sent for some blood tests; results indicate that I had a pretty good infection and a whole bunch of inflammation.  It is scaring me just a bit that I am learning how to interpret the results of blood tests...

I have decided to put the marathon on the back burner for the next while and see what happens with surgery date and my ability to run...

take good care of yourselves and type to you soon.


Friday, 2 August 2013

Gallstone update

Yesterday I had aches, pains and a moderate fever.  I was told to watch for this as it could indicate an infected gall bladder.  I called the BC heathline and got some advice, they told me anything higher than 40'C to go to emerg.

I did not go to emerg as it never got that high, I tucked myself in bed early last night and sweated the thing out.  Felt pretty good this AM only the discomfort of a swollen gallbladder but aches or pains and the fever is gone.  The discomfort is triggered when I move about or walk so I am guessing the long run this Sunday is out.

That is it for me I am taking it easy and waiting to hear from the surgeon on when he can schedule me in to have this removed.

Later and enjoy the weekend.