Monday, 7 January 2013

Cycle 2 Day 5

All done with meds for a couple of weeks!  Today was pretty good, I felt well enough to go to the office for a few hours and have a conversation with work mates as well as touch base with my boss, spent the afternoon catching-up on my email and other work items.

This cycle of treatment did not bother my sinuses at all and my mouth and jaw were fine as well!  I did find that the steroids had more impact on me this time around, that may be due to the additional given during IV or just a build-up in my system or it could just be from???  Not a real big concern for me at this moment but I will ask the doc's and nurses if there is something that can be done to lessen this.

I have survived cycle 2!!


  1. Awesome, Don! So glad to hear that you are feeling well....keeping you in our thoughts, S+K

  2. Hi Don -

    We are so glad to hear about your progress - we read your posts daily and can't wait to see you again.

    Sending Both you and Lori big hugs!

    Caroline & Frank

  3. Hey, Glad things are running their course. Was going to say something witty and inappropriate but thought I would save it for when I see you. hugs from Us
