Wednesday, 31 July 2013

I have seen the GP

Went to see the GP this AM and we discussed the events of last night/this morning, he agrees that it is time to deal with the gallstone and re-referred me to the surgeon who looked at it a year ago.  I am not in any discomfort today other than being tired.  We also talked about diet and although doc agreed that we have been eating well and food was not a trigger last night he wants us to be extra cautious with my food so we can prevent another night like last night.
I guess no birthday cake for me tomorrow...

What next...wait don't answer that.

Ok I know it has been just about a month since I last typed to you but that is a good thing!  No news is good news, I was planning on a short post tomorrow as it is my birthday and that is news (for me anyway), then it hit!

Last night around 10:30 I had the answer to my question and was awakened by a severe pain in my right lower chest/upper abdomen, it took a bit for me to realise what the heck it was but I had this pain before and it signified the return of "Mr. stupid-head" gallstone and my  gallbladder was very upset.  I excused myself from bed letting Lori know what was going on and went to another room to ride it out.

We had a sensible dinner as per usual no heavy sauces, lean meats and little fat; all was well.  After 2 1/2 hours of pretty good pain and no sign of relief we decided it was time to head to the emergency room, we hopped into a taxi (actually it was a hobble for me) and took the 5 minute ride to emerge.  Thankfully it was a slow night and we were seen right away for blood samples followed by a short wait, then another brief wait for the doctor.  They all asked the same questions and all got the same answers, severe pain in the right side fluctuating from a 7/10 to a 10/10 on the "O'Geese scale", the lymphoma story and the confirmed diagnosis of whatever the medical term is for a golf ball sized gallstone, intermittent nausea but no vomiting; OK now with vomiting!  The doctor did some additional poking and prodding, they did an ecg   and blood pressure checks through out. 

The doctor put me ordered and IV drip of fluids and then gave some feel no pain stuff in the IV as well, I remember telling Lori that this stuff (Hydromorphene) really goes to your head and then I woke up a few hours later feeling no pain and being discharged with direction to connect with my GP doctor and/or surgeon to have this addressed.

I see the GP this morning and will update when I have news; meanwhile, Lori thought you would all enjoy this...

Hey at least I have hair again.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Happy Canada Day

July is here and summer is as well, we are getting some warmer temperatures and I am enjoying them; I was able to do a two hour run yesterday (2 days after the little drip) and it felt good.  Post run I headed down to The Hub & Spoke, this is a friends' coffee shop/ restaurant that he has opened up this weekend; it is a great concept of community, cycling, coffee and beer.  He has focused on getting top notch ingredients from local folks for his menu has a bike fix area and is displaying many pieces of bike art and cycling gadgets.
I have been helping him pull his menu together for the last few weeks and this weekend I have been in the kitchen helping him sort out the plating of them as well as organise the space a bit, I think he has a great idea and it should go well.

After my long sleep on Friday I have felt very good with energy and no noticeable side-effects from the chemo!  Today is our annual Canada Day parade on the street and the theme this years is your favourite Canadian athlete, I am choosing Simon Whitfield as he is in one of the sports I do and I have had the opportunity to meet him a few times and think that he is a good person and mentor.  It is time to get our pot-luck item ready and then get ready for the parade and to be entertained by the kids on the street as they play games and explore the fire truck that usually comes by.
Enjoy the day and talk to you soon.

PS. Yesterday was our friend Frank's Birthday so wish him well when you see him!