Thursday, 19 May 2011

Surgery Day is here, YIPPY?

Finally the day has come!  I get to have the biopsy surgery and move on to the next step, not that I am in a hurry but the waiting is very stressful.
Our friend who you have already met Tom picks Lori and I up to take us out to the hospital for 8:30 AM, we are told to expect the surgery to take an hour or so as I am just going to have a local and not a general anesthetic.  We arrive a bit early sign in and are greeted by a nurse who goes over the procedure with us and shortly there after comes to prep me.
She explains how to put on the "gown" (opening in the back please) and how to place the "modesty towel", she then returns after providing me with some privacy shifts the curtains a bit and Dr Hyashi is getting ready to begin.  A quick and simple procedure actually a 9cm long incision 25 minutes to "free" one of the swollen nodes, he asks if I would like to see it (I do).  It is about the size of my thumb so I would say 8cm long and 2.5cm across, i am amazed that it is that large.  He stitches me up and sends me on my way, just under 40 minutes.  Tom has barley had a chance to start his work before we are ready to go.  I want to get home right away so that I can take a Tylenol and be in bed asleep before the local wears off.
success I am asleep and as they say resting "comfortably".

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