Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Where to begin???

Wow, so much to say and where do we begin?  Well I guess I should let you know a bit about me, I am 42 years old and have been quite physically fit for the past 11 years or so having completed 15 marathons and 2 Ironman distance triathlons I would say I was in the best shape I have ever been in.  I am Married to a very amazing woman named Lori who is also an avid runner and a marathoner not to mention being an inspiration. 
For the past couple of years we have had a running coach and have been focusing on our speed; both of us have seen some pretty good improvements in all our race distances and this year was to be the peak for me during the "Island Race Series".  I should take a moment to mention that we live in Victoria BC Canada and our road racing season start up in January and ends for the most part in October; not bad for Canada eh?  Any way we were all set for a great year of racing and after the first race in the series and both of us doing personal bests at the 8KM we were on track.  Then race 2 a 10KM and Lori again does really well although I am off a bit from my expected finish time, race three a 12KM and similar results Lori does very well and even finishes with an above elite age group time for the distance!  I fall a bit short of expectation again and am not feeling well so off to the doctor.  We discover that I have an infection and so I start what will be a 6 week course of anti-biotics, during which time I continue to struggle during my races but brush it off as a result of the anti-biotics.  Six weeks go by and I am ready to race the Comox half marathon targeting 1:29:anything, it is March 20th and I run a pretty good race but at KM 8 I am done and walk up the hill as my running friends run past with questions in their eyes.  after a bit I feel better and start running again and do finish the race in a time of 1:31:23 pretty close but again a bit disappointing.
That night I notice that my glands on my right groin are swollen and I think it a bit odd as I have just finished 6 weeks of anti-biotics and no bug should have survived!  I shrug it off and go to sleep; Monday morning I wake up and they are still there so I call the doctor.  Wednesday that week I am in with Dr. Shafonsky explaining why I am there and after taking a look and checking for cuts or infections, he sends me off for blood work and a follow-up appointment in two weeks time.
In the following two weeks there is little change in my glands other than they have turned hard and a little sore, other than a feeling of being tired every so often I feel pretty good and keep up my normal day-to-day life including my running.

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