Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy day is here

Well, I have not written too much about this because I really was not looking forward to it and kind of hoped that if I did not write about it they may cancel it.  No such luck!
It was this morning and Ray & Dar came to pick me up and take me to the Jubilee to have my blood work done then the biopsy.  We got there in what I thought was plenty of time only to discover the the lab was busier than normal and had recently had a software upgrade which was of course slowing things down even more as the staff had to learn the new system (rotten IT folks always changing things).  Hey, only two viles of blood today that makes around 30 in a week my personal best to-date. 
Next is the biopsy in a second lab and now instead of being 20 minutes early I am 20 minutes late, I hope this doesn't mean they'll skip the freezing to make up for time... no problem they are running a bit behind as well.  I get called in and here is what happened next.
A very kind lab tech explained the process to me and asked me a few now common questions, do you have any allergies to any medications? latex products? Are you on any blood thinners? and a few more that elude me at this moment.  After the tech was happy that I understood everything correctly and that I was at ease with the process she paged the doctor who came in a couple of minutes later.
The Doctor was also very pleasant and comforting and told me what was involved with the biopsy and then asked me similar questions, my answers did not change so I think I passed the test and this is what I got from the two of them telling me about the procedure.

I will lay on my left side with my shorts lowered just below my hips, the doctor will position me and place some towels and cushions to prop me in position.  Next the area will be sanitised and a topical freezing will be applied, followed by a few additional freezings each a bit deeper until the area around the bone is frozen.  This all takes place just above my hip joint on my right side.  From here she will insert a small needle into the bone and extract a liquid sample of my marrow.  I am told that this is the part that people find uncomfortable or unexpected; next she will use a slightly larger tool (about a pencil lead size) and get a solid marrow sample.  Once they have confirmed the samples are good she will clean and dress the area, and I get to relax for fifteen minutes or so, in order for them to ensure the bleeding has stopped.  There are no stitches to worry about since the incision is so small.

So that is what is I was told to expect... and it did happen pretty much as described.  The doctor followed the above process all the while making small talk with me to make sure I was still OK and "comfortable", this was a pleasant distraction as we talked about running, work triathlons and food.  The procedure was going very well until she said OK I am going in for the liquid sample now on the count of three you may feel that discomfort I told you about, 1, 2, 3.  Wowzers discomfort? It felt like a tooth the size of my head with a sensitivity to cold had just been dipped into a bucket of ice cream, this only lasted for a few seconds and I didn't even cry or scream like a three year old (I am so proud).  There she said that's the worst of it now to get the solid sample, I could feel her pressure on my hip and could sense the rotating movement she was making as the talk about sports and hobbies continued.  She commented on the strength of my bones and how it had been expected due to my age and the sports I do, then she said she was just going to lower the table a bit. to which I said leverage? she gave a quick yes response and a moment later said she was through and going to start collecting the sample.  This was uncomfortable but not really painful at all. The work was done and now to confirm the samples, OK.  Clean and wrap the area.  All done, now relax for fifteen minutes while laying on a tightly rolled towel to apply pressure and reduce bruising.
I felt pretty good afterwards so gave Lori a call to report in and then took Ray & Dar out for lunch.  By the time lunch was done so was the freezing and I really appreciated its role in the entire procedure and am a bit less proud of my accomplishment of not crying so now can I go home a lay down?
Wow, is my hip sore!   I am not tired but it hurts to move around so it is movie time... to the media cave.
Jim is taking Lori to her guitar lesson tonight (thanks Jimmy) and I am resting "comfortably"...

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