Friday, 10 June 2011

CT Scan complete

I am just back from getting my second CT Scan with the dreaded contrast.  Everything went according to plan; I now have a warm feeling throughout my body and a very odd taste of metal and iodine in the back of my throat.  The process to getting these is quite simple you head down to your local medical imaging centre and say that you have an appointment, they confirm details and ask you to wait a bit.  In a few moments a kind worker will not only offer you a drink but will insist you have two large glasses of flat sugary tasting water (with who knows what in them) and both labelled with a large letter "T"; once you have drank these you are encouraged to sit in a waiting area for an hour or so while "who knows what" makes it way through your system.  after the hour has gone by another kind worker   will come by and ask you to remove your clothes and put on these gowns... how flattering.  they then stick you with a drip line so that when the time is right they can inject some "contrast"into your bloodstream. It is that action that causes a wave of warmth and a feeling of nausea as the roof of your mouth begins to sweat that you have the warm fuzzies I am describing.  The entire process of imaging takes only a few minutes but the lovely feeling and taste lasts for hours.

It is not all that bad just not all that good and it is really a small price to pay for an updated view of what is going on inside of me, once I get a copy of the images I will post one so you can all see for yourselves.

Well that is all for today I am now going to have a nap...

keep the comments and good vibes coming.

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